CLF - Canadian Liver Foundation
CLF stands for Canadian Liver Foundation
Here you will find, what does CLF stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Canadian Liver Foundation? Canadian Liver Foundation can be abbreviated as CLF What does CLF stand for? CLF stands for Canadian Liver Foundation. What does Canadian Liver Foundation mean?Canadian Liver Foundation is an expansion of CLF
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Alternative definitions of CLF
- Central Liquidity Facility
- Commander, Landing Force
- Children's Leukemia Foundation
- Clear Flags
- Cell Library Format
- Church of the Larger Fellowship
- Choy Lee Fut
- Coltishall airport
View 103 other definitions of CLF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CCSL Crossbridge Condominium Services Ltd
- CHI Chet Holmes International
- CAM Cascade Asset Management
- CS The Compass School
- CRL Crown Roofing LLC
- CSGF Charter School Growth Fund
- CSL Centers for Spiritual Living
- CSSGP Croma Security Solutions Group PLC
- CFC Capricorn Financial Consultancy
- CDL Cape Diving Limited
- CKL Comfort Knitwears Ltd
- CPC The City Pub Company
- CLPL Core Logistic Pvt. Ltd.
- CLSHP CLS Holdings PLC
- CCF Cornerstone Community Financial
- CPG Crazy Panda Games
- CCET Catholic Charities of East Tennessee
- CCS Carroll Construction Supply
- CFEA Central Florida Expressway Authority
- CLI Chem Link Inc.